Introducing your therapist.

Hi, my name is Nava. I am a trained masseuse, professional Tantric massage practitioner and bodyworker based in Melbourne VIC, Australia.

I have also done Intimacy Coach training. My focus is on helping you reconnect with yourself, your body and your capacity to receive pleasure.

I work with men and women and hold space for them to expand their capacity for pleasure. I offer a deeply profound healing massage experience.

My specialty lies in working with sexual energy. This energy work is incredibly healing and profound. Which can facilitate monumental shifts and personal growth. Being able to hold this energy and circulate it is fundamental to a healthy life.

I am also truly passionate about assisting my clients in overcoming a variety of sexual issues that may be holding them back from living in their pleasure. 

Additionally, I teach couples Tantric techniques and processes to improve their intimacy and strengthen their bond.

Pleasure is your birthright.

  • Yoni and Breast Massage for Women.

    Through Tantric Massage, women can unlock and expand their sexual energy, leading to the possibility of experiencing full-body orgasms.

    Yoni Massage offers a safe and therapeutic practice that enables women to embrace pleasure without the burden of sexual guilt or shame.

    By engaging in Yoni Massage, women can release and dissolve sexual trauma and blocks, which ultimately paves the way for more pleasure and fulfillment in all aspects of their lives.

  • Lingam Massage for Men.

    Tantric Massage offers men a pathway to heal emotional blocks and address any dysfunctions that might be impeding the flow of their sexual energy.

    Through Lingam Massage, men can experience heightened pleasure and increased energy, along with significant improvements in erection duration.

    Engaging in Lingam Massage can also boost your confidence in the bedroom and enhance your body's capacity to feel profound pleasure.